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The effects of pelvic containment on the prevention and treatment of thoracolumbar spinal cord injury (SCI) were examined in a series of 28 dogs with spinal cord contusion at C7-T1. All dogs were paraplegic at the time of injury and 23 dogs were euthanatized to assess the effects of containment. Progressive retraction of the overlying skin in all animals allowed noxious stimulation of the exposed spinal cord prior to death. At necropsy, the spinal cord of each animal was examined for evidence of gross thermal injury and the volume of edema and necrosis was measured. The volume of edema was significantly increased in restrained animals compared with nonrestrained animals. Severity of the spinal cord injury was not affected by pelvic containment. Progressive retraction of the overlying skin during immobilization significantly increases edema formation after contusion in the thoracolumbar spinal cord.Q:

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